這也是我很喜歡的一部動畫 男主相信爺爺留下來資料可以找到 失落的帝國 亞特蘭提斯
後來找到贊助商 爺爺以前的夥伴 開始了探險之旅
之後找到了 失落的帝國 亞特蘭提斯
開始了兩人一起探索 亞特蘭提斯 沒落的秘密
最後當然是好的結局 兩人在一起 在地底的世界 一個快樂的地方快樂的生活著
歌曲名 有翻錯請告知修正 謝謝 ^ __ ^
Mya - Where The Dream Takes You ( 夢想帶你到的地方 ) [ 失落的帝國 亞特蘭提斯 ]
They'll try to hold you back
They will say you're wrong
But they will never understand
The journey that you're on
They'll try to change your mind
They'll try to change your heart
But they will never understand
Who you are
And you still believe
And you know
You must go
* Where the dream takes you
(Where your dream takes your heart)
Where your heart longs to be
(Your dream will lead you on)
** When you finally find that place
You'll find all you need
Where the dream leads you
(Your dream will lead you home)
Far as your heart can see
There's a world that waits for you
You're not alone
You'll find your home
Where the dream takes you
(Where the dream takes you)
There's something in your soul
That won't be denied
It's the faith to dream that keeps
the dream alive
So you still believe
And you know
You must go
[Repeat *]
There's a world that waits for you
You're not alone
You'll find you home
Where the dream takes you
Go where your heart is meant to be
And you may find
Somebody there
Someone to share you dream
[Repeat **]
- Sep 19 Sat 2015 23:05
Mya - Where The Dream Takes You ( 夢想帶你到的地方 ) [ 失落的帝國 亞特蘭提斯 ] ( 歌詞 : 英 ) 附影音 ~ 整理中 ~